How do I make a donation?
Donations are very much appreciated
Gift Policy
Gifts can greatly improve the capacity and quality of the Library’s collection and are encouraged by the Board of Trustees and Staff. They will be accepted for the collection subject to the same principles of selection as are applied to materials purchased with Library funds.
Although donors of funds may suggest subjects or titles to be acquired with their donation, the Library reserves the right of final selection of titles which will enhance the Library’s collection and meet the criteria of the Materials Selection Policy .
Monetary gifts may be designated as Memorials to honor a deceased friend or relative or may be of a general character. No special shelves or sections will be designated for gift collections, but an appropriate book plate will be placed in each book purchased from donated funds. Library staff will place books where they belong in relation to other books in the collection for the best use of materials.
The Library will not accept materials which are not outright gifts, and reserves the right, as conditions change, to assign any of its materials wherever the need is the greatest. In most instances, the books or materials will be assigned to the community library where they were received. All gifts must be in usable physical condition. Because of the limitations of space, money and staff, the Library reserves the right to accept or discard, at its discretion, any materials sent to the Library and branches. Because of wear, theft and mutilation, the permanence of gifts cannot be guaranteed.
The Library makes every effort to dispose of all gift materials it cannot use to the very best advantage, such as through sales.
Gifts of Real Property, stock or large monetary gifts will be considered and accepted as the discretion of the Board of Trustees.